Blue fish hand warmer mouse pad thing
from Crunch Gear
Dammit. I might have to order one of these adorable fish warmy hand mouth things. My hands get mighty cold in the winter thanks to a drafty home office and my slightly below-average circulation, so I could probably use one of these. You plug the fish into a USB port and feed your mouse cord through the fish’s derriere and, after about ten minutes, you’ll be wrist-deep in 107.6 degrees of hot, sweaty fish-mouth.
Yes, 107.6 degrees. That sounds kind of dangerous, no? But how dangerous could it possibly be to have your hand atop a $22 USB-powered hotplate stitched inside of a fish made out of cotton and wool?
Yes, 107.6 degrees. That sounds kind of dangerous, no? But how dangerous could it possibly be to have your hand atop a $22 USB-powered hotplate stitched inside of a fish made out of cotton and wool?
Commets: You may be disappointed by the quality of construction and its functionality. We purchased the item pictured above. The size is for a child's hand. There's very little room for movement. Plus, the item heats too much. It actually makes your hand feel very uncomfortable using it for any length of time. We were not happy with the quality of fabric or construction. Plus, in the long run, it looks a little goofy on a desk top. It's great for a child if you trust a child is mature enough to handle an electronic item like this. For adults, we recommend the Mouse Hand Warmer in gray fleece with a techie, modern design.
Labels: cold hands, cold mouse hand, hand warmer, keep warm in winter, mouse blanket, mouse hand cover, mouse hand warmer, mouse warmer, mouse warmer blog
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