Chronic cold hand sign of overworked mouse hand
It wasnt until after I sold my ecommerce site I focused on creating an energy-efficient solution to the cold mouse hand condition. Gathering fabrics, testing the quality, and producing a product became a new job. Within a few months, the Mouse Hand Warmer was patented, trademarked and proto-typed. The Mouse Hand Warmer (tm) turned out to be a warm, fleece pocket-style blanket to slip your mousing hand inside to keep it covered and warm.
Although theres no sound medical advice about why the mouse hand gets cold, its common sense to understand exposed body parts tend to get chilled. After hours of exposure, using a computer mouse in the same position, its not uncommon for the mousing hand to get cold. This condition becomes chronic for the computer geek who sits for hours using a computer mouse.
Cold mousing hand can be attributed to a number of medical factors like Poor Circulation, Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Raynauds, DeQuervains, Tendonitis or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.
Cold mousing hand can be experienced in a variety of settings like Air Conditioned Rooms, Under a Ceiling Fan, Drafty Cubicals, Winter Weather or Cold Offices at home or in a building.
There are a number of products on the market to help relieve the pain caused by a cold mouse hand. The most practical and cost efficient item is the Mouse Hand Warmer. It can be used only when needed and requires no electricty. In todays energy crisis thats a good thing. Anything that is earth friendly can only be helpful and good.
Your computer mouse is a personal device. We all have a favorite shape and style of computer mouse. We purchase a mouse based on the way it feels in our hand and the way it functions for the type of work we perform. Personally, I use a large Microsoft ergonomic shaped computer mouse. After all the years working with a computer, its the best fit for my hand.
Another personal computing device is a mouse pad. The mousepads available today come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. My favorite mouse pad is a hard gaming sytle mousepad constructed of metal with a slick surface. It measures about 12 x 10 inches and works nicely with my large ergonomic computer mouse.
When designing the Mouse Hand Warmer, I decided to create something that worked with any mouse or mousepad because I didnt want to give up using my favorite computer accessories. The Mouse Warmer blanket measures about 12 x 12 inches in size and has a non slip surface. Its a large pocket to slip your favorite computer accessories and tools inside. Theres plenty of room inside for movement with your favorite mouse pad and mouse. Sometimes when Im traveling, I bring just the Mouse Hand Warmer because it too can be used as a mousepad. The inside bottom surface is smooth and the computer mouse functions on top of it wihtout the use of an additional mouse pad. The Mouse Hand Warmer is perfect for any work environment.
If you suffer from chronic cold hands, especially when using a computer mouse, you may want to try the Mouse Hand Warmer to help relieve the pain experienced by the cold. The earth friendly item is avaialble at,, and through the manufacturer at Its not sold in any stores, and if you are interested in reselling the Mouse Hand Warmer, please Contact Us today.
Labels: cold hands, cold mouse hand, computer gadget, computer mouse, geek gadget, hand warmer, keep hands warm, keeping warm winter, mouse hand warmer, mouse pad, mousepad, warm mouse hand, warm mouse pad